Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

BRONZE AGE: Last of the Summer Stone

The end of summer is approaching (omg finally!) and in the Stone roundhouse, things continue to be chaotic.
Abban is always starving, because Abban is a fussy eater and even though there is so much food everywhere, he'll only eat when he's at death's door. x.x Talia is in a permanent state of hygiene failure, and Storm keeps crying because his aspiration is so low (to be honest, making him a popularity sim in a world with only 2 families and no townies or npcs, probably wasn't the best idea).

BRONZE AGE: Rabbit's birthday

Rabbit  grows up into a teen, with low aspiration. To be honest they all have low aspiration all the time... it's hard enough keeping their needs up!