And as if all the babies weren't enough madness, now we have puppies too!

three of them. Oh but they're so cute, and this is the first time I'm seeing that puppy pattern-coat mod in action.

so cute!

Fox grows up. :D

and after a quick makeover, he immediately starts teasing little brother Karn. :( At this point I decided to compare the personalities. Rabbit, the first-born, is sloppy, incredibly shy, very active and averagely playful and nice. Fox has 10 in both neatness and outgoingness, is also very active, very serious and only has 1 point in niceness. :/ I mean, I gave them their names before knowing their personalities, and somehow they just fit x.x
Karn is more average across the personality except for also being active. He's the nicest of the three boys.

apparently heatstroke for kids doesn't go down too well with the mysterious powers that be. After a quick panic, I realised that she was leaving again (I guess thanks to the adults' FT family asp perk). They really need to move out of this tiny cave asap. I really can't wait for Rabbit to become an adult... he's not even a teen yet, and it's already too chaotic.

Reya helps potty training Karn.

Talia has a huuuge bump. Next baby won't be long.

and not wanting to miss out, Garan and Reya get in on the babymaking action again.
Karn is befriending all the puppies. so sweet.

The main topic of dinnertime conversation... no surprises there.

Finally, here she is! The girl we've all been waiting for! Talia names her Berry.
In case you were wondering how many sims that takes this household up to... 4 adults, 2 children, 1 toddler, 2 infants, 2 adult dogs and 3 puppies. All in a 2 room cave. yeup. poor fox is having to sleep outside because there's no space inside for beds, and he keeps getting hot, and then to avoid the social worker coming again, I've just been manually resetting his temperature with the simBlender. Bit of a nightmare hah. I don't know how people manage with an asylum challenge or similar. I'm struggling even when I can control everyone.
Reya is also pregnant again. So... I think it's time to move into the Bronze age village.
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